(Intra-cytoplasmic Morphologically-selected Sperm Injection):
Sperm selection at great magnification (previous to ICSI process)
IMSI technology allows us to observe the spermatozoa with an amplification of up to 16,000 magnifications, whilst the conventional microscope used in In Vitro Fertilisation treatments reaches 400 magnifications. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to select the spermatozoa with the best morphology and, afterwards, fertilise the egg by means of a micro sperm injection (ICSI). It is a long process that requires great precision, in which the best spermatozoa are selected, as many as mature oocytes there are.
We consider it within normal standards that only 4% of the spermatozoa have a normal appearance. Most of them have pathological features, such as double tail, round head, vacuoles, etc. We know that the ones that are morphologically more “beautiful” have the biggest chance of having a good genetic load; hence they have a bigger fertilisation potential and more probabilities to result in evolutionary embryos.
IMSI is indicated in males with teratozoospermia, i.e. with less than 4% of sperm with normal morphology, in patients with alterations in DNA fragmentation and in special hardship cases by long-evolving infertility or failures in previous IVF cycles. In these cases, it significantly increases success rates.
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